Campus Safety and Security

First Coast Technical College is committed to the safety of all members of the FCTC community which includes our students, faculty, staff and all visitors who participate in the many activities we sponsor.  We encourage you to join the effort to make First Coast Technical College a safe and secure environment for everyone.

As required by federal law, each year First Coast Technical College prepares an Annual Security Report containing information regarding campus security and personal safety including:

  • crime prevention
  • fire safety 
  • law enforcement authority
  • crime reporting policies
  • disciplinary procedures
  • and other matters of importance related to security and safety on campus.

New students receive information telling them where the Annual Security Report is located on our website when they complete their program application and attend orientation. The Reception Desk personnel and secretaries for each program area also have a copy of the report.

The report also contains information about crime statistics for the three previous calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on each campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by FCTC, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campuses.

If you would like to receive the Annual Security Report, click the link above or visit the Reception Desk at FCTC’s Main Campus at 2980 Collins Avenue, Building A, St. Augustine, FL 32084. 

This information is required by law and is provided by First Coast Technical College’s Operations Division.

Crime Statistics

FCTC is also required to maintain a crime log that tracks current reports of crimes that occurred on each campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by FCTC, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. Students or employees may review the log during normal office hours at the FCTC Main Campus Reception Desk at 2980 Collins Avenue, Building A, St. Augustine, FL 32084.

Recommended Safe Practices

Be aware and follow the suggestions outlined below to protect yourself and your property.

·       Be alert for suspicious or criminal activity. Do not engage in any activity that might cause you harm or endanger another person or school property.

·       Avoid distracted walking and remain aware of your surroundings.

·       Get involved by becoming more security conscious and by immediately reporting all incidents of suspicious or criminal activity, no matter how insignificant they appear, to administration immediately.

·       Remembering that unreported crimes cannot be solved and that, by not reporting crimes, you allow the perpetrators to commit additional and perhaps more serious crimes.  

·       If you are a victim, intended victim, or a witness to a crime, report if immediately to the administration or the school resource officer.

·       Do not engage in any activity that might cause you harm or endanger another person or school property.

Many times, crime solving depends upon how accurately and promptly the incident is reported. It is important that you be able to provide as much of the following information as possible:

1.     Nature of the incident and when and where it occurred.

2.     Persons involved (names, gender, race, age, height, hair style/color, complexion, distinctive characteristics, i.e., facial features, scars, physical defects, glasses, clothing, etc).

3.     Direction and method of travel, number of occupants.

4.     Vehicles involved (color, type, make, model, license plate number and state, distinctive characteristics, i.e., decals, bumper stickers, damage, etc.).

5.     Description of stolen property (item, manufacturer, model number, serial number, value, color, dimensions, etc.).

Sexual Harassment

The subject of sexual harassment is covered during the school orientation. Instructors and staff are updated throughout the school year with important information on procedures for dealing with any sexual offenses.

Doing Your Part

Become an involved and alert student. Your ideas, comments and contributions to our safety and security efforts are encouraged and welcomed. Remember, we are always looking for ways to ensure that our campuses remain a safe, secure and healthy place to work and study.

Check the Florida Department of Law Enforcement website for additional information regarding your safety and security

Questions? Call us at (904) 547-3301.