Net Price Calculator

Below is the net price calculator. This tool is used to estimate how much your actual education costs. The “net price” includes normal education expenses like tuition, lab fees & books. It also includes cost of attendance items such as rent, power & transportation. If you need assistance interpreting the information contained in the net price calculator, please call the Financial Aid Office at (904) 547-3511 or (904) 547-3512.

The Net Price Calculator includes some costs that are not paid to FCTC, such as transportation, housing, etc. Please review the ACTUAL PROGRAM COSTS.

By way of the Higher Education Opportunity Act, signed into law August 14, 2008, colleges are required to provide a way for students and families to estimate a “bottom line” price. The purpose of the requirement is: “to help current and prospective students, families, and other consumers estimate the individual net price of an institution of higher education for a student. The calculator shall be developed in a manner that enables current and prospective students, families, and consumers to determine an estimate of a current or prospective student’s individual net price at a particular institution.” P.L. 110-315, sec. 132 (h) (1).