About Career & Technical Education

First Coast Technical College is one of 48 Florida Technical Colleges/Centers with Council on Occupational Education (COE) Accreditation. CTE is a cost-effective way to start a high demand career in as little as one or two years of school!

With high completion, placement and licensure rates and responsive instructional staff, FCTC is a great choice for career success. Whether you are a recent high school graduate, in search of something more or ready to tap into your passion…at any age, you come first at First Coast Technical College.

Check out the CTE Brochure (PDF) or the videos below for more information on career and technical education in Florida.

FCTC Career Brochure

Message from Florida’s Chancellor for Career, Technical and Adult Education (CTE)

Statewide Articulation Agreements

The Florida Department of Education helps to assure a seamless transition for students to expand their educational opportunities. Statewide articulation agreements can be found by visiting the FLDOE website.

GET THERE at First Coast Technical College



How long will it take?

FCTC programs generally take 18 months or as little as 6 weeks to complete based on the Florida Department of Education Framework. Each Program of Study page on the website, shows the hours, weeks and months to complete a program and the Curriculum on their particular program.

How much does it cost?

As a Florida public school, tuition rates are set by the Department of Education. Laboratory and other fees vary upon program. Each Program of Study page on the website, shows the hours, weeks and months to complete a program and the Curriculum on their particular program.

What young people want to know?

Selecting a career is often a matter of young people not knowing what questions to ask, like:

  • What’s the (hourly) salary?
  • How many hours will I work?
  • Is overtime available or mandatory?
  • What is the work-life balance?
  • Will I work with others to perform my tasks or independently?
  • What kind of training and education do I need?
  • Where can I go for that education?
  • Will I have to take out loans?

Encouraging them to discover these answers for themselves helps them make their decisions. These websites can help…