Learn English

Learn English

Our teachers continue to work with their students virtually to assist them in achieving their goals. We’re Here to help Staff and Department Directory will assist you in starting your journey.

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The Adult ESOL Program provides basic adult literacy, English language and life-skills instruction to county residents whose native language is not English. The goal of the program is to provide students with the English language proficiency to learn to read and succeed in life and work.

Classes are divided into several ability levels from beginning literacy to academic English. Students learn English through a variety of methods and materials utilizing workbooks, videos, presentations, and computer software. Classes focus on speaking, reading, writing, and listening in English along with American culture and life-skills lessons.

ESOL classes are available during the following time periods:

  • Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM and/or 1:00 PM – 4:15 PM
  • Monday – Friday 4:30 PM – 8:22 PM

Get Started!

  • Step 1: Create your FCTC account.
  • Step 2: Contact the Test Center by email or call (904) 547-3390 to to schedule your oral screening and CASAS test.
  • Step 3: Attend your oral screening and CASAS test on your appointment day.
  • Step 4: Bring your CASAS scores to the registration department, pay your $30 tuition fee, and begin your courses.

Questions: Email the Adult Education Department or call (904) 547-3390

Explore more through My Career Shines

Unsure of what Career is right for you? Do you want to find a job that is fulfilling and exciting? FCTC has partnered with Florida Shines so our students can pave their way to a meaningful and rewarding profession. Florida Shines offers a series of questions that help you decide how your interests align with your future. Educational pathways and job outcomes are available, as well as self-assessment tools and a resume builder.

For students who would like to have their international credentials (high school diploma, degree, professional certification, etc.) considered for education verification, your credentials must be evaluated and translated by an Approved Credential Evaluation agency. Click here for the Florida Department of Education Approved Credential Evaluation agencies. Please note that for education verification, all documents must be official when submitting to the FCTC Student Advising Department. For additional support with how to submit official documents to FCTC, please refer to Transcripts.

FCTC is proud that some of our GED-seeking and ESOL students have simultaneously enrolled in our Industrial, Culinary and Human Services programs. This effort takes communication and coordination between our Adult Education and CTE Instructors. Students who would like to pursue this option need to be aware that they will not be eligible for federal financial aid until a diploma has been earned. Call our Adult Education Coordinator at (904) 547-3434 or email  [email protected]

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