Registration Office

The Registration Office collects payments for Testing, Adult Education, Short Term classes and full-time Career Technical Education programs.  Payments can be made with cash, check, money order or debit/credit card including Mastercard, Discover or VISA.  We do not accept American Express.

Career Technical programs students will complete an application and receive an acceptance email from FCTC’s Student Information System called FOCUS.  The acceptance email will give details students need in order to register for their class.  At the time of registration payment is due.  Students will also be given their student ID, parking permit, and discuss uniforms at this time.

Our Registration office is located in Building A on the main campus. Some payments may be made by calling our staff (904) 547-3282 and asking for Registration,

Students who are looking to re-enroll into a program should first see the Admissions Specialist for their appropriate steps.