Date: TBA
Fee: TBA
Time: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Length: 5 days
Hours: 45
Meals and lodging are not provided
Course Description: Construction Documents & Plans Review is geared toward teaching the student how to assimilate information contained in working, drawing and specifications as they relate to the fire inspector. The curriculum includes how to interpret conventional graphic communications. Accepted standards and conventions are introduced. Symbols, abbreviations, principles of technical projection, as well as a review of construction arithmetic and geometry are included. Related worksheets are used to allow for applied experience of finding and interpreting information from authentic drawings. Students must bring an architectural ruler
Textbook (preferred but not required): PLANS EXAMINER FOR THE FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES, 2nd Ed. IFSTA ISBN# 978-0879396084
To Register: These programs are part of the Florida Fire Inspector I Certification.
To register, Click Create My Account then call (904) 547-3381 or (904) 547-3383 to make payment. You may also pay in person at the Main Campus. Registration office on 2980 Collins Avenue.