About FCTC

First Coast Technical College’s mission is to provide career, technical and adult education to meet the changing needs of students, businesses and the regional workforce.

Our Vision

The vision of First Coast Technical College is to empower students to acquire career-ready skills to become a confident contributor to the regional economy.

  • The Business Community comes to us for assistance—First Thought, First Call.
  • Every student receives a credential or certificate to position them for success in their career.
  • First Coast Technical College is the school of choice.

FCTC Career Brochure

View St. Johns County School District Strategic Plan.

Our History

First Coast Technical College has gone through several stages of growth, development and change since it was authorized as St. Augustine Technical Center in 1965.

The vision of the St. Johns County School Board and the Florida Department of Education was to establish an area workforce training center in St. Augustine. In 1967, the center’s first director was named and preliminary planning for the construction of a modern facility was undertaken.

Flagler Hospital was the site of St. Johns County’s first vocational program which was Practical Nursing. This program graduated its first class in 1968. From that beginning, the St. Augustine Technical Center added programs and served students until 1999, when the St. Augustine Technical Center changed its name to First Coast Technical Institute.

As the needs of the students and community changed, so did the school. In 2007, First Coast Technical Institute officially became First Coast Technical College (FCTC) and operated as a charter school under the authority of Florida Statutes 1002.33 and 1002.34, with the St. Johns County School District as the Charter Sponsor, with a governing board of directors made up of members of St. Johns, Clay and Putnam Counties.

That chapter of the school’s history ended on June 30, 2016 when the charter was terminated and the FCTC Board closed the school. On July 1, 2016, the St. Johns County School District began operation of FCTC as a St. Johns County School which in many ways, returned the school to the original vision of a highly successful District operated workforce training center.

St. Johns County School District


George Mastoridis, Director (904) 547-3303