Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems

What is the CASAS?

The CASAS test is used to determine a person’s skill level and aptitude. The CASAS tests your abilities in math and reading as you’ll apply them in the or classroom or workforce. Although there is no such thing as passing or failing the CASAS test, your score can determine your eligibility for many programs that can have a positive effect on your life situation.


  • If you are a student entering a career technical education program, the CASAS test is used to determine basic skill level achievement as required by the Department of Education.
  • If you are a GED bound student, the CASAS math and reading tests are used for placement in Adult Education class. Your scores on the assessments will let you know where to begin class instruction.
Retesting Options
CASAS requires a three month waiting period before retesting can occur unless enrolling in Academic Coaching for one term through our Adult Education program. Students can receive help passing their retest when enrolled in Academic Coaching. They will be able to retake the CASAS test as many times as needed while enrolled.
If you have questions about Academic Coaching, contact Adult Education at (904) 547-3434.


What to expect on the CASAS

The CASAS test is two tests: Each part will include a locator test to determine your appropriate test level.

    • Reading test
      • Locator: 15 minutes
      • Test: approximately one hour
    • Math test
      • Locator: 15 minutes
      • Test: approximately one hour

A calculator is allowed and available on screen.

CASAS Reading GOALS Content Areas:

  • Vocabulary
  • Reading Comprehension Skills
  • Higher order Reading Skills

CASAS Math Goals Content Areas:

  • Number Sense
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Measurements
  • Statistics and Probability

Tips for Taking the CASAS 

  • Be positive and do your best.
  • Relax, it’s normal to be somewhat nervous before taking a test. Don’t worry!
  • Read the directions for each test section carefully.
  • Plan your time well. Each test section is timed. Do not spend too much time on any one test question. If it takes too long to answer a question, skip it and return to it later. if time permits.  First respond to all questions of which you are certain of the answer.
  • Before answering a question, be sure you know what is being asked. For example, a test question might say, “Which of these is not an even number?”  If you read the question too quickly, you may miss the word not and answer incorrectly.
  • Do not read into a question something that is not there. There are no trick questions.
  • Trust your instincts. when rechecking, change an answer only when you are sure that your first answer choice was wrong.
  • If you are not sure how to answer a question, rule out answer choices that you know are incorrect. Then mark your best guess.
  • Remember that the scores you will receive on CASAS will show you the skills you have now and those you need to learn.

Practicing for the CASAS

The following site offers practice tests to help you prepare for the CASAS test:


The CASAS test is given to ESOL students wanting to enroll in English Language courses.

  • The test is 2 parts:
    • Reading test- 1 hour
    • Listening test- about 1 hour *HEADPHONES PROVIDED FOR THIS SECTION*
  • When finished, you will take your scores to registration to be enrolled in English classes.