Services for the Community

A unique component of career technical education is the hands-on experience our students receive to be industry-ready. Each program has a lab where automotive and diesel students work on engines, health and public safety students practice taking blood pressures or welding students bend metal.

In Culinary Arts, Cosmetology, Agriscience and Early Childhood Education, the community interacts with our students as they sharpen their skills.

Experience our students growth first hand by visiting the following services that are open to the general public.


Walter’s Reef Café hosted by Culinary Students

During this school year, our students will be spending more time in the classroom sharpening their culinary skills. Please check this page for Walter’s Reef Cafe reopening dates.

Interested in a culinary career? View more information about our one year program.

Bon appetite!


Salon hosted by Cosmetology Students

Call (904) 547-3451 for an appointment with our talented students in training.

To check into a career in Cosmetology, click here.


The Hidden Nursery hosted by Ag Students

FCTC AgriScience students cultivate industry skills which make seasonal plants, annuals, perennials, herbs, vegetables, shrubs, hanging baskets, and dish gardens available for the community to purchase at reasonable costs. Our 10,000 square foot greenhouse is always blooming with rare and traditional specimens – while it serves as an experimental lab where students learn innovative AgriScience practices.

The Greenhouse is located behind Building F on the Main Campus
Please call (904) 547-3497 for hours.


Tech Tots Child Care assisted by Early Childhood Students

Choosing a safe and enriching environment for your child is an important decision. Tech Tots is a place where young children, ages 2 through 5, learn to socialize, be independent, and most of all develop a positive self image.

A quality childcare program builds your child’s confidence while strengthening their academic abilities. FCTC’s Tech Tot program exceeds all Florida mandated requirements and is FL License C07J0040.

Childcare is available 7:00 AM to 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday with meals and snacks prepared by FCTC’s award winning Culinary Arts program.

Please call (904) 547-3490 or email [email protected] for more information.