Tobacco Free Policy

tobacco free campusThe FCTC campuses are Smoking and Tobacco Free facilities. Tobacco products include the use of any product, whether intended to be lit or not including: smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, smokeless tobacco including snuff, dip, chewing tobacco, smokeless pouches, and any other form of loose-leaf or smokeless tobacco. The use of electronic cigarettes is prohibited

Purpose of the Policy

Protecting people from the health hazards of tobacco, including second hand tobacco smoke, and to maintain compliance with the Florida Health Initiative in Section 20, Article X of the Florida State Constitution is vital. Visitors and contractors on campus who are in violation of the policy will be reminded of the policy and required to comply by discarding the tobacco product or leaving the campus.

Also, FCTC has a high school located on the main campus. It is unlawful for anyone under the age of 18 to smoke tobacco in, on or within 1,000 feet of a public or private elementary, middle or secondary school between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and midnight. If a student is found to have violated this provision, the parents or guardian and law enforcement will be notified and civil penalties may be imposed. (Florida Statute 569.11)


FCTC students and staff will be notified of the Tobacco Policy through the following mechanisms, including but not limited to: the College’s web page, Student Handbook, Staff Handbook, orientation, signs, and posters, in areas where students congregate and the employee lounge.


Any high school or adult student in violation of the tobacco policy will be subject to progressive discipline. An initial violation will result in disciplinary action which may include a warning, and/or tobacco and health related educational assignments. A second violation will result in a student contract, work detail, or detention. A third violation will result in out-of-school suspension. Subsequent violations may result in expulsion.

Helpful Resources

For information on tobacco education and cessation programs, call (877) U-CAN-NOW or visit Quit Now to talk to a Quit Coach, find classes near you or enroll in an online program.