Loan Information

FCTC does not participate in the student loan process.

If you are interested in student loans, you can do an internet search and/or contact your local financial institution such as a bank or credit union. The type of loans that our students would get are called private loans, alternative loans, or direct to consumer loans. We do not participate in the Federal Direct Loan or Stafford Loan programs.

An individual’s earning potential, personal credit rating & payment history are directly relevant to their ability to obtain financing for their education. The FCTC Financial Aid Office strongly encourages applicants to be conservative when procuring loans – especially with regard to repayment ability. Loans are meant to fund education costs, not to pay students’ living expenses while attending school. To ensure you are an informed borrower, we suggest you click on the links – Understanding private loans & Wikipedia – private loans – at the bottom of this page for a thorough definition of student loans & how they work.

As a vocational school, we do not receive any monies from loan companies. (Usually the loan company pays a college directly for your tuition.) When you speak with the loan representative, you are welcome to give them our Federal ID #012544, but you need to tell them that we do not certify loans.

Any loans our students obtain are a private business transaction between the student and the loan company. Any and all communications, contracts, and / or agreements are private transactions between the student and the agency. FCTC is not involved in any way.

ATTENTION LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSING STUDENTS – State of Florida loan forgiveness program: