Privacy & Security

Students are expected to comply with the legal and ethical standards of the college. Academic dishonesty and/or non-academic misconduct will result in disciplinary action. Specific instances of misconduct include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, knowingly furnishing false information to the institution, and foregoing or altering institution documents and/or academic credentials.

The following measures are taken to ensure the security of your private information:

  • All paper records are secured in each of the Financial Aid Specialists’ Office. Offices are locked every time the Specialist leaves their office, even for a short time.
  • All electronic records – network & local copies – are password protected. No records can be accessed without the appropriate login ID’s & passwords.
  • Information release forms are available online or in the Financial Aid Office for you to consent to release records to specific individuals, agencies, or companies.

Common access is authorized for:

  • The student
  • Financial aid staff
  • Authorized FCTC staff
  • Authorized outside parties
  • US Dept. of Education
  • Auditors
  • Law enforcement (Federal, State, local) with appropriate subpoena and after the student is notified
  • other educational institutions as needed to award financial aid

Examples of those who do NOT have access to your records:

  • Unauthorized college staff; parents (unless the student authorizes access)
  • Media
  • State agencies except for the State Financial Aid Office
  • Law enforcement without proper authorization

Completion of the Consent to Release of Information (FERPA) provides written consent to release information to third parties. Please submit the completed form to a Student Advisor so they can scan it to your student file. Click for  FERPA information from the Florida Department of Education.

Acceptable Use Procedures (AUP)

The purpose of the AUP is to ensure the safety, reliability, accountability, data integrity and security of the digital network and other district technology resources. It also protects our students, staff and technology resources.

Use of the District’s digital network, internet service and other electronic resources is a privilege. As a condition of that privilege, students must comply with the Acceptable Use Policy below and complete an Agreement Form at the start of their program.